repo.json ========= Performance version: 1.0.0 Report on Linux-5.4.11-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5 Number of logical CPUs: 4 Start date: 2020-01-14 16:30:30.040920 End date: 2020-01-14 17:04:18.845171 flag.json ========= Performance version: 1.0.0 Report on Linux-5.4.11-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5 Number of logical CPUs: 4 Start date: 2020-01-14 17:11:56.148925 End date: 2020-01-14 17:40:03.388527 +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | Benchmark | repo.json | flag.json | Change | Significance | +=========================+===========+===========+==============+=======================+ | 2to3 | 792 ms | 654 ms | 1.21x faster | Significant (t=22.23) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | chameleon | 23.4 ms | 21.0 ms | 1.11x faster | Significant (t=19.49) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | chaos | 296 ms | 230 ms | 1.29x faster | Significant (t=35.84) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | crypto_pyaes | 266 ms | 199 ms | 1.34x faster | Significant (t=41.08) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | deltablue | 18.4 ms | 13.2 ms | 1.39x faster | Significant (t=38.79) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | django_template | 150 ms | 117 ms | 1.28x faster | Significant (t=52.79) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | dulwich_log | 148 ms | 125 ms | 1.19x faster | Significant (t=26.08) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | fannkuch | 1.03 sec | 812 ms | 1.26x faster | Significant (t=66.22) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | float | 280 ms | 206 ms | 1.36x faster | Significant (t=26.85) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | genshi_text | 78.5 ms | 64.4 ms | 1.22x faster | Significant (t=34.93) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | genshi_xml | 165 ms | 147 ms | 1.12x faster | Significant (t=17.76) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | go | 626 ms | 486 ms | 1.29x faster | Significant (t=35.23) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | hexiom | 24.5 ms | 18.6 ms | 1.31x faster | Significant (t=21.88) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | json_dumps | 26.5 ms | 22.5 ms | 1.18x faster | Significant (t=27.52) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | json_loads | 60.8 us | 55.1 us | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=9.07) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | logging_format | 24.8 us | 20.3 us | 1.22x faster | Significant (t=11.68) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | logging_silent | 451 ns | 331 ns | 1.36x faster | Significant (t=29.67) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | logging_simple | 22.5 us | 18.4 us | 1.22x faster | Significant (t=21.59) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | mako | 33.6 ms | 29.0 ms | 1.16x faster | Significant (t=16.45) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | meteor_contest | 220 ms | 186 ms | 1.18x faster | Significant (t=18.62) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | nbody | 297 ms | 240 ms | 1.24x faster | Significant (t=33.84) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | nqueens | 257 ms | 187 ms | 1.38x faster | Significant (t=25.15) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | pathlib | 46.1 ms | 34.9 ms | 1.32x faster | Significant (t=30.01) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | pickle | 21.7 us | 19.8 us | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=11.75) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | pickle_dict | 43.1 us | 37.6 us | 1.15x faster | Significant (t=39.48) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | pickle_list | 6.68 us | 6.55 us | 1.02x faster | Not significant | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | pickle_pure_python | 1.29 ms | 1.02 ms | 1.27x faster | Significant (t=32.28) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | pidigits | 293 ms | 275 ms | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=6.72) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | pyflate | 1.58 sec | 1.26 sec | 1.25x faster | Significant (t=52.95) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | python_startup | 16.1 ms | 14.7 ms | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=23.99) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | python_startup_no_site | 12.5 ms | 10.2 ms | 1.23x faster | Significant (t=38.30) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | raytrace | 1.34 sec | 965 ms | 1.39x faster | Significant (t=67.75) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | regex_compile | 418 ms | 337 ms | 1.24x faster | Significant (t=69.81) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | regex_dna | 363 ms | 331 ms | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=21.20) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | regex_effbot | 5.50 ms | 4.93 ms | 1.12x faster | Significant (t=29.95) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | regex_v8 | 47.0 ms | 46.2 ms | 1.02x faster | Not significant | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | richards | 191 ms | 138 ms | 1.38x faster | Significant (t=29.17) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | scimark_fft | 877 ms | 730 ms | 1.20x faster | Significant (t=73.31) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | scimark_lu | 353 ms | 258 ms | 1.37x faster | Significant (t=33.67) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | scimark_monte_carlo | 261 ms | 189 ms | 1.38x faster | Significant (t=32.18) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | scimark_sor | 458 ms | 349 ms | 1.31x faster | Significant (t=45.68) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 12.6 ms | 8.97 ms | 1.41x faster | Significant (t=42.59) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | spectral_norm | 316 ms | 249 ms | 1.27x faster | Significant (t=28.21) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | sqlalchemy_declarative | 359 ms | 297 ms | 1.21x faster | Significant (t=8.69) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | sqlalchemy_imperative | 63.3 ms | 53.9 ms | 1.18x faster | Significant (t=14.23) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | sqlite_synth | 6.56 us | 5.46 us | 1.20x faster | Significant (t=23.58) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | sympy_expand | 1.15 sec | 933 ms | 1.23x faster | Significant (t=46.31) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | sympy_integrate | 61.6 ms | 44.8 ms | 1.38x faster | Significant (t=29.20) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | sympy_str | 748 ms | 601 ms | 1.24x faster | Significant (t=55.33) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | sympy_sum | 499 ms | 380 ms | 1.31x faster | Significant (t=23.74) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | telco | 637 ms | 522 ms | 1.22x faster | Significant (t=40.83) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | tornado_http | 339 ms | 295 ms | 1.15x faster | Significant (t=27.05) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | unpack_sequence | 77.0 ns | 81.1 ns | 1.05x slower | Not significant | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | unpickle | 31.0 us | 24.7 us | 1.26x faster | Significant (t=34.18) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | unpickle_list | 8.44 us | 7.79 us | 1.08x faster | Significant (t=11.45) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | unpickle_pure_python | 851 us | 655 us | 1.30x faster | Significant (t=33.62) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | xml_etree_generate | 236 ms | 178 ms | 1.33x faster | Significant (t=54.05) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | xml_etree_iterparse | 281 ms | 220 ms | 1.28x faster | Significant (t=20.00) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | xml_etree_parse | 404 ms | 359 ms | 1.13x faster | Significant (t=12.90) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+ | xml_etree_process | 190 ms | 149 ms | 1.27x faster | Significant (t=39.63) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+