diff --git a/XCPF/PacmanConfig.py b/XCPF/PacmanConfig.py
index 2ed4f136e..cfa04d727 100644
--- a/XCPF/PacmanConfig.py
+++ b/XCPF/PacmanConfig.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 from collections import OrderedDict
-from pycman.config import pacman_conf_enumerator, _logmask, cb_log, LIST_OPTIONS, BOOLEAN_OPTIONS
+from pycman.config import PacmanConfEnumeratorSession, _logmask, cb_log, LIST_OPTIONS, BOOLEAN_OPTIONS
 import os
 import pyalpm
@@ -51,17 +51,18 @@ class PacmanConfig(OrderedDict):
   def load_from_file(self, filename):
-    for section, key, value in pacman_conf_enumerator(filename):
-      if key == 'Architecture' and value == 'auto':
-        continue
-      elif key == 'Color':
-        self[section][key] = 'auto'
-        continue
-      self.setdefault(section, OrderedDict())
-      if key in LIST_OPTIONS:
-        self[section].setdefault(key, []).append(value)
-      else:
-        self[section][key] = value
+    with PacmanConfEnumeratorSession(filename) as pacman_conf_enumerator:
+      for section, key, value in pacman_conf_enumerator():
+        if key == 'Architecture' and value == 'auto':
+          continue
+        elif key == 'Color':
+          self[section][key] = 'auto'
+          continue
+        self.setdefault(section, OrderedDict())
+        if key in LIST_OPTIONS:
+          self[section].setdefault(key, []).append(value)
+        else:
+          self[section][key] = value
     if "CacheDir" not in self.options:
       self.options["CacheDir"]= ["/var/cache/pacman/pkg"]
     for key, value in self.items():